Christ Church Umhlanga

ways to serve

opportunities to serve
at ccu

As a church family we grow and serve together. God’s word draws us closer to Him and he is continually at work in our lives. In response to this, as well as the good news of Jesus Christ and how he loved and served us, we are called and encouraged to serve one another.

There are many ways to get involved at CCU.

Have a look at some of the ways you could get involved and contact us at [email protected]

Connect Team

CONNECT team Coming to church on a Sunday can be a really daunting experience. Much...

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wooden playground equipment in garden

Kids Church

KIDS CHURCH At CCU, we believe Kids Ministry to be a wonderful privilege—getting to witness...

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Teen Church

Connect Youth is our ministry to our highschool teenagers. We long to see this generation...

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couple hosting a dinner party at home


Catering A wonderful way you might like to get involved is through hospitality. We love...

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a group of people socialising at an event


EVENTS As a church family we want to be spending time together outside of the...

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man painting around a window


MAINTENANCE God has blessed us with a building in which we can gather as a...

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all about
giving at ccu

about giving


The Bible is clear that Christians ought to give money to gospel ministry. It’s an indication that we are trusting in God for our needs. Giving is an indication that we are grateful for the generosity of God in giving us his Son, Jesus, who gave his life as a ransom for our sins.


The New Testament gives us three attitudes that are to accompany giving:

Sacrificial: Giving sacrificially means giving what we can’t afford to give.

Generous: Generosity in the Bible is not measured by how much we give, but by how much we have left.

Cheerful: Giving cheerfully means giving willingly and not under compulsion.


At CCU it is our practice not to take a collection in our services. We have two reasons for this: firstly, we do not want visitors to feel pressure. Secondly, we do want those who consider CCU their home to give thoughtfully, deliberately and regularly. In our modern culture that is best achieved when giving is done electronically. While most people choose the EFT payment system we do provide cash boxes at the back of the main hall to cater for cash givers as well as Zapper.

ways to give


Christ Church Umhlanga
Bank: Nedbank
Branch: La Lucia
Branch Code: 135 626
Account Number: 135 6000 371



If you would prefer to give cash, you are welcome to drop it off in a sealed envelope at our office, or in the cash deposit boxes at the back of the church

watch a recent sermon on giving

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