Who We Are

So, then, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with the saints, and members of God’s household.
Ephesians 2:19
So that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him: bearing fruit in every good work and growing in the knowledge of God
Colossians 1:10
Just as each one has received a gift, use it to serve others, as good stewards of the varied grace of God
1 Peter 4:10
Then he said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation".
Mark 16:15
Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, Rejoice.
Philippians 4:4
Theologically, we trace our heritage back to the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century, which was a deliberate break from the church that no longer treated the Bible as authoritative and sufficient for the Christian life. Picking up on the touch points of the Reformation: the Bible alone is our authority; salvation comes through faith in Christ alone, which is by the grace of God alone; and in all the works of God and his church we are persuaded that God pursues his glory alone. What we teach is not determined by the whims of mankind but the Word of God, his Bible. When that is done faithfully, with humility and passion, God’s church will be a place of his grace, the work of Christ, and the gospel is celebrated to his glory.
We are convinced that Jesus is God’s full and final revelation to us, thus there is no better word to expect from God (Hebrews 1:1-4). Because of Jesus’ own testimony and teaching we are also convinced that the Bible is all about him. Therefore we read the Bible through the lens of Christ’s life, death and resurrection. We also treat the Bible as our highest authority, since this has been a mark of the Christian church for nearly two millennia. Taken together, we strive to submit to the Lordship of Christ by submitting to the Bible, over and above any other authority.
In some ways to identify as Anglican and Reformed is redundant, since historically those labels were almost synonymous. But, speaking historically, to say we are Anglican is to trace our theological roots back to the Reformation in England, a close cousin of what took place in Europe. Therefore we hold to the 39 Articles as a superb summary of the essential truths of the Bible. At Christ Church Umhlanga we are committed to the historical and orthodox teaching of the Bible, the Bible’s authority and God’s Truth. All are welcome at Christ Church Umhlanga.
Nigel is husband to the lovely Bev and they have three children: Holly, Rhys and Rebekah. Nigel is our tea-drinking, Jesus loving leader. You might see him zipping around on his scooter or wandering the office strumming his guitar. Nigel’s passion is to delight in Christ; by speaking about Jesus, having a community of gospel culture and a mission to see new people come to know and love Jesus.
Nigel Richardson
Senior Rector
Sinen is husband to the wonderful, Vanessa and father to Eli Joel. Sinen grew up in KZN and holds the all time record for the longest apprenticeship (that is 8 years) before heading down to Bible college. Sinen could spend his days on the rugby field or testing out every coffee shop in Durban. Sinen’s greatest dream is to see people grow deep in their knowledge of Christ.
Sinen Majola
Assistant Rector
Daniel is married to the sweet Amy, who is also our children’s worker. In his free time Daniel enjoys being the Ronaldo of five-a-side soccer, a good mid-week braai or playing board games. Before ministry, Daniel had a passion for hospitality management. Daniel’s passion still involves people (and good food) but now Daniel’s heart is to strengthen and grow the community of believers who belong to Christ.
Daniel De Freitas
Youth & Membership Pastor
Rowan is married to the lovely Sarah-lee. Rowan is the great prankster of the office and is very rarely seen not wearing a stylish pair of colourful shorts. He also enjoys his time on the rugby field or an afternoon spent in a good book. Rowan lives a life that is all in for King Jesus and talking about the Lord drives his soul. Rowan’s passion is to tell of the good news of Jesus Christ to the lost.
Rowan Swanepoel
Mission’s Pastor
Amy is wife to the youth pastor, Daniel, a plant mom and a cat mom to their ginger kitty, Kai. Amy enjoys baking and reading and her colourful office wall is matched by her joyful and happy heart and her love for people. Amy is often coming up with creative ideas of how to better communicate the Gospel in a relevant way to children. Her desire is to see young people be life long followers of Christ.
Amy De Freitas
Children's Ministry
Sue, the organisation behind the chaos. In her previous life Sue was a Project Manager and this efficiency and skill she has brought to the team to help the church run smoothly. Despite her British origins, Sue enjoys a good cuppa’ coffee and is trying her hardest to fatten up the team with her bottomless jar of sweets/ cookies/ cakes and tarts. Sue is driven by planning well and praying continuously.
Sue Keary
Our three apprentices - Brandon, Mathandi, and Landry - are doing an apprenticeship with the hope of growing in Gospel integrity and ministry competence in the church context. Their streams of focus are slightly different: Mathandi is doing a children apprenticeship, Landry is doing an apprenticeship with a focus on children and youth ministry, and Brandon is doing an apprenticeship focusing on youth and pastoral care.
Brandon Hattingh, Mathandi Mbanjwa, Landry Moeller
The Apprenticeship Programme